Wednesday, May 16, 2012

End of year - Circulation - "Ceiling Date"

The Ceiling Date overrides the normal due date calculated by Destiny if the ceiling date is earlier than the calculated due date. A ceiling date also overrides any fixed due date.
Some use the last day of school so that all items are due on the last day of school, no matter what their calculated due date would be. Others want all items back in the library sooner.
Make sure to change this date each year. Destiny increments the year if needed, but the date may not be correct for your school year. It might fall on the wrong day of the week.
To change the ceiling date: Back Office>Library Policies. Destiny opens on Patron Type. This will be the easiest location for you to use because most libraries have fewer patron types than circulation types. Change the Ceiling Date for each Patron Type and Save. 
NOTE: Once past the Ceiling Date, Destiny reverts to regular circulation parameters, like Faculty can check out books for 30 days.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Library Data Wall

I was in a building last week and saw an interesting Library Data Center display. The librarian printed reports for Top Homerooms, Top Patrons, New Books, Database Use and ‘What Students and Teachers are Reading’.
Here’s the ‘rest of the story’…since displaying the information about the Top Homerooms, the teachers with lower circulation numbers have made a point of having their students go to the library  to check out more books!
Most of these reports can be created and printed from circulation. I’d be happy to help you create and print any of them.