Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Have a wonderful summer!

Don't just walk out the door this year - 


There are lots of reasons to celebrate your great year! 

Have a fantastic summer!

Questions?  Please contact your SLS Automation Team at

Monday, May 9, 2016

Managing Inter Library Loans

As the final dates for Inter Library Loans approach, here's how you can determine what ILLs have been borrowed and loaned out. 

Determine what items are still checked out to other libraries

To create a report of all items loaned to other libraries, go to Reports > Library Reports > Circulation> Current Checkouts/Fines and run a report for all items checked out where Patron Type = ILL.

You may email overdue notices to your ILL Patrons for any items that you have loaned other libraries.  We recently updated all of the ILL contact information in your catalog for all public schools included in 5 Systems.

If you do not already have a report for sending overdue email notices to ILL Patrons, this video (created by Jane Reeves) demonstrates the steps for generating the report.

Determine what ILL items are still checked out in your library

If you change the Circulation Type to ILL when checking out a book borrowed from another library (Add Title), then simply create a Library Report of all items currently checked out where Circulation Type = ILL.

If the circulation type is not used when creating a temporary title, you can obtain a list of Temporary Titles by going to Reports > Library Reports > Statistics > Collection Statistics - Summary.  Scroll down to the bottom of the list to see “Temporary”.  If you click on the very last column, the titles of all temporary items that are still loaned out will be displayed.  If the number is 0, then there are no temporary items checked out.  A search by barcode number of the temporary title will then have to be made to determine which patron has the book.

Questions?  Please contact your SLS Automation Team at

Friday, April 22, 2016

ILL Dates to Remember

These are the end of year dates for ILL:

May 13, 2016 – Last day to make ILL requests

June 3, 2016 – All ILL items must be returned

Questions?  Please contact your SLS Automation Team at

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Inventory within Follett Destiny

Are you planning an inventory this spring?  There is an upcoming workshop on how to conduct an inventory in Destiny Library Manager.

Also, we have USB and wireless scanners to borrow for your inventory. Contact us ( to reserve a scanner.  

And don't forget about the Follett Destiny Instructional Guides ( that provide detailed instructions for all your Destiny functions, including inventory.  

Inventory With Follett Destiny

Date:  May 10, 2016

Time:  3:45-4:45 p.m

Location: CaTS Training Lab, 3625 Buffalo Road, Rochester 

Fee: FREE for all within Monroe 2–Orleans BOCES region

Registration:  Contact Patty Rose ( | 585-349-9097)


What would your library barcode look like?

Questions?  Please contact your SLS Automation Team at

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Happy National D.E.A.R. Day

Celebrate National D.E.A.R. day – April 12th

The eBook “Drop Everything, It's D.E.A.R. Time!” from FableLearning (StarWalk Kids) is available through your Destiny catalog.

Hope your day is filled with lots of time to celebrate the joy of reading!

By Ann McGovern

Keeping up with a craze that has taken schools across the country by storm, this whimsically illustrated picture book about a highlight in a busy school day -- Drop Everything and Read Time -- is a joyous celebration of reading and books.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Destiny and Internet Browsers

Follett has recently recommended that customers use browsers other than Internet Explorer now that Microsoft has released it's last version of IE (v11).  Note that Destiny still supports IE Version 11.

It is important that in any browser that you use for Circulation, that the autofill/autocomplete option is disabled.    When this option is enabled, the browser will autofill in the Checkout and Check In fields with barcodes that have been previously scanned and will result in inaccurate transactions.

Following are the steps to disable autofill for the three primary browers:

WARNING:  the autofill forms option is automatically re-enabled when Chrome is updated

  • From the menu option, choose Settings
  • Select Advanced Settings
  • Under Passwords and Forms, disable (uncheck) the option 'Enable Autofull to fill out web forms in a single click'
  • Close the Settings window

  • From the IE Menu toolbar, select Tools > Internet Options
  • Select the Content Tab and then under Autocomplete, choose Settings
  • In the Settings dialog window,  disable (uncheck) the Forms option and choose OK
  • Choose OK to close the settings dialog window

    *  Microsoft Edge, the internet browser released with Microsoft Windows 10
        is not yet supported by Follett.

  1. From the menu option, choose Options
  2. Select the Privacy button
  3. Under the History section, disable (uncheck) 'Remember search and form history'
  4. Close the Options windows

AND don't forget that many apps/sites will often work in a browser one day only to behave inconsistently the next.    This is often due to automatic browser updates that occur before a 3rd party vendor has verified compatibility.  If you run into erratic behavior using your databases, eBooks, etc; be sure to try another browser to see if your access problem is resolved.

Questions?  Please contact your SLS Automation Team at

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What's Ahead?

While you may be looking for Spring Break...

there is a Destiny Training session ahead that you may be interested in.

Monday, March 14, 2016

5 Systems Update

Five Systems records will be updated on March 28th for all Rochester Regional Library school districts.  As such, the system will be down all day. 

Records for Monroe 2 BOCES schools have already been uploaded and are ready for the planned update.    If you have any issues after the update, please contact us at

Questions?  Please contact your SLS Automation Team at