Hopefully you've had some time to deal with overdue items from last year. If not, the end of September is a good time to tackle them. Find help here: http://www.monroe2boces.org/SLS.cfm?subpage=2582
One way is to find the patron in Circulation>Checkout
- Open up their record in circulation by clicking on the blue ID number
- Click the Lost icon
- When you click the lost button, a box appears stating “The copy will be marked as lost. Student Name will be charged a fine of $.$$. If you do not want to assess a fine, set the fine amount to zero." If you do not want to charge anything and CLEAR the fine, enter 0.00 in the box.
- Click OK
- The book is now listed as lost. The book is no longer checked out to the patron, it remains on the patron's record as lost with no fine.