Monday, May 9, 2016

Managing Inter Library Loans

As the final dates for Inter Library Loans approach, here's how you can determine what ILLs have been borrowed and loaned out. 

Determine what items are still checked out to other libraries

To create a report of all items loaned to other libraries, go to Reports > Library Reports > Circulation> Current Checkouts/Fines and run a report for all items checked out where Patron Type = ILL.

You may email overdue notices to your ILL Patrons for any items that you have loaned other libraries.  We recently updated all of the ILL contact information in your catalog for all public schools included in 5 Systems.

If you do not already have a report for sending overdue email notices to ILL Patrons, this video (created by Jane Reeves) demonstrates the steps for generating the report.

Determine what ILL items are still checked out in your library

If you change the Circulation Type to ILL when checking out a book borrowed from another library (Add Title), then simply create a Library Report of all items currently checked out where Circulation Type = ILL.

If the circulation type is not used when creating a temporary title, you can obtain a list of Temporary Titles by going to Reports > Library Reports > Statistics > Collection Statistics - Summary.  Scroll down to the bottom of the list to see “Temporary”.  If you click on the very last column, the titles of all temporary items that are still loaned out will be displayed.  If the number is 0, then there are no temporary items checked out.  A search by barcode number of the temporary title will then have to be made to determine which patron has the book.

Questions?  Please contact your SLS Automation Team at