Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Merging Patron Records

Sometimes you will find more than one record for a patron in Destiny. It may be because you had created a temporary record for a new patron and then forgot to remove it when the permanent record was input by your district. Whatever the reason, Destiny has a wonderful tool to help you find those duplicate patron records and then join them together. Watch our Merging Patron Records to see how this is done.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Moving Up

For many of you this is your first school opening using Destiny! Because of that and because patrons keep their same record from year-to-year and school-to-school, you may occasionally find a student has moved to your building with outstanding loans or fines from their former school. If so, you may be presented with a conundrum if the student tries to return the books or pay the fine at your library.

Just remember that each library controls its own items. Libraries may reach across the district to circulate their items to patrons from other libraries, but they cannot check out/in other libraries’ materials.

We recommend you accept the book or fine from the student and explain that you will be forwarding it to their former library. Then call the librarian at the original lending library and explain what you are forwarding so they know to expect it. When it arrives at their library, they can check in the item and/or manage the fine.


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